Walk in One-on-Ones

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Program Type:


Age Group:


Program Description

Event Details

Up to one hour of assistance per patron. Bring your device and all logins and passwords you may need. Basic computer skills are required, such as the ability to use a mouse and keyboard.


Filming and Photography Policy

The Salina Public Library is permitted to take photographs and video footage of people of all ages at the library and Library sponsored events for publicity. Anyone who does not wish to be photographed or filmed may opt-out by notifying Library staff. Names of patrons will not be used in publicity without consent.

Technology Assistance Policy

We can provide assistance with topics such as: 

  • email & internet searching
  • library eBooks  & resources
  • job applications & resumes
  • basic device help
  • apps basics
    • MS Office / Google Apps
  • virtual reality (Adults & Ages 12+)
  • printing your file on the 3D printer 

We are UNABLE to assist with some situations such as:

  • broken technology components
  • hardware/software troubleshooting
  • legal documents
  • money transactions
  • taxes
  • typing proofreading, or reading documents

Staff are not responsible for remembering any information discussed within the session.

Scheduled sessions will be held for 15 minutes. If this time passes a new one-on-one session will need to be scheduled.

Please only sign up for one session, if more sessions are needed they can be scheduled at the end of your first registered session.